Humco Gins
Hartsville Cotton Gin Plant
311 Sumter Street
Our main plant is located in the heart of Hartsville, South Carolina at 311 Sumter Street. This plant has been operating at this same location since 1926. This ginning facility is capable of processing over 1,200 bales of cotton daily.
Salters Cotton Gin Plant
5288 S Williamsburg County Hwy
In 2020 we acquired the former TRI County Gin located at 5288 S Williamsburg County Hwy Salters, SC 29590. Prior to the acquision, the gin operated for over 30 years. Our Salters Gin Plant is capable of ginning over 40 to 50 bales an hour.
Full Service, Quality
Cotton Ginning
Both of our plants are owned by Humphrey Coker Seed Company and managed by our expert cotton ginners. A major benefit to two locations is our ability to gin more cotton in less time. Our producers know that their cotton needs to be ginned as quickly as possible from the time it leaves field. Our goal is to have your cotton processed with the highest quality grades in the shortest amount of time…